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If Only I Could Be Consistent

Transparency through Consistency

Have you ever found yourself struggling to maintain consistency in the things that truly matter to you? I know I have. It’s your girl Shanai Dominique and as a millennial mom, I often catch myself getting caught up in the small, insignificant details instead of focusing on the bigger picture—wealth, savings, upgrading my life, and ultimately, living the life I desire. It's a common struggle, but one that has hindered mine and can hinder your progress and prevent us from reaching our goals. In this heartfelt blog post, I want to share my experiences, provide some eye-opening statistics, and offer valuable insights to help other millennial mommies like myself overcome this challenge.

1. The Cost of Inconsistency:

Consistency is not just a buzzword; it's a powerful tool that can transform our lives. For me it was subscribing to the constant school notifications that ding on my phone every time my kids are lte to a class, dont hand in a paper, hand in a paper, go to the restroom, talk out of turn, fall asleep, or slightly move in their seats. i completely understand the teacher and parent dynamic and I welcome it,but for someone like me with i believe undiagnosed adhd this is a problem. I literally have created sanctuaries in my home where i go to get work done and am aware that anything can throw me off course. Research shows that consistent effort in any area leads to better outcomes and increased chances of success. When we constantly nitpick on trivial matters, it diverts our focus from what truly matters and hampers our ability to make progress. By recognizing the cost of inconsistency, we can begin to prioritize and channel our energy more effectively.

2. Letting Go of Perfectionism:

One of the major roadblocks to consistency is perfectionism. We often set unrealistically high standards for ourselves, which can lead to a fear of failure or not being good enough. Embracing imperfection and understanding that consistency is about progress, not perfection, can help us break free from this mindset. It's essential to shift our focus from insignificant details to the larger goals we want to achieve. Ladies, this is gonna look different for many. There are times when I take photos for content and they sis in my phone for forever, videos from hair styles that I have done, Blog posts that i Have written. No One is perfect and there is someone just as messy as you out here somewhere waiting on your guidance.

3. Harnessing the Power of Habits:

Consistency can be cultivated through the power of habits. Studies suggest that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. By consciously incorporating small, consistent actions into our daily routines, we can create positive habits that propel us forward. Whether it's saving a small amount of money each week or dedicating a specific time for personal growth, establishing consistent habits makes a significant difference.

The Game-Changing Tip:

If there's one tip that has the potential to change the trajectory of your life, it is this: Prioritize and Focus. Identify the key areas that truly matter to you and align your actions accordingly. Create a clear vision of what you want to achieve and break it down into actionable steps. Then, commit to focusing on those steps consistently, even if progress seems slow at times. Remember, small consistent actions compound over time and lead to remarkable outcomes.

Consistency is a journey, not a destination. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a shift in mindset. As millennial mommies, we have the power to accomplish our goals and create the lives we desire. By letting go of perfectionism, harnessing the power of habits, and prioritizing what truly matters, we can overcome the challenges of inconsistency. Implementing these strategies can transform our lives and empower us to achieve our dreams.

Amazing mind-blowing tip: Prioritize and Focus—align your actions with your goals and commit to consistent progress.

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